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Committee Interest Drink I

Interested in becoming an active member of B&R Beurs?

Committee application deadline: 5th of November 23:59

Join one of the Committee Interest Drinks and see what B&R Beurs can add to your extracurricular life!

Old members from our committees, together with the board, will be present to answer all your questions. You will be provided with free drinks.

We strongly advise new and experienced members to join one of the Committee Interest Drinks to see what is out there, so we can help you find the right committee!

If you want to know more about our committees click here!

We will be recruiting for the following committees:

  • Academy Committee
  • Activities Committee
  • Almanac Committee
  • Alumni Committee
  • City Trip Committee
  • Editorial Committee
  • Investment Week & Symposium Committee
  • Project Management Committee
  • Marketing Committee 

We hope to see you at one of the Committee Interest Drinks! No registration is required.


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