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  • Workload: 4 hours per week.
  • Recruitment Period: Late June.
  • Time period: September– July
  • Committee composition: 4 committee members
  • Do you have any questions? Join us for the committee interest drinks or send an email to

The Marketing Committee supports the Marketing Officer and other committees of B&R Beurs by designing the content to promote the association and the event of the committees. In the beginning of the year you will set up the marketing campaign to attract as many new members to B&R Beurs as possible. Another example of this is the design made for the Investment Week & Symposium. Besides this supporting role, the Marketing Committee is also responsible for the B&R Magazine published one time each year. In order to design these materials, each committee member follows courses on Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign and Adobe Photoshop. You will not only make the designs but you will also be responsible for creating a social media strategy that benefits the society. This way, the Marketing Committee ensures that the promotional materials of the society looks good and professional and are communicated in the best way possible. The committee takes about 4 hours a week.


  • Naz Turhan

  • Merin Beyatli

  • Daria Halimova

  • Bianca Maria Rugeanu


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