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Become alumnus as old member

Let’s stay in touch!
As former member of B&R, BeurS or B&R Beurs we welcome you to stay connected to the society. We encourage you to fill in the form below. This is a great way to (re)connect with the society or get in touch with your fellow friends of B&R Beurs. Furthermore, we would love to see former members participate in our alumni events to rekindle old friendships and memories and create new ones. In this way we can also update your personal details and keep you posted about upcoming events!
We are also offering former members the opportunity to give back to the society. You can sponsor us, be part of a B&R Academy lecture series or even participate in our yearly Investment Symposium. Please let us know by filling in the form or contact us directly. We would love to get in touch to see what you can do for B&R Beurs!
(Note: This page is for old members. If you are a current member with an active acount on our website, you can become an alumnus on this page!)

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