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Searching for highly motivated students who are ambitious about finance? At B&R Beurs, we educate our members and give them the opportunity to gain practical knowledge. Our recruitment database connects students with partners or segments of their specific interest which makes it different from other recruitment systems.

At B&R Beurs we believe in direct targeting through our detailed database. Through our additional recruitment database we can target the specific students who fit your profile, rather than apply mass marketing.
In our recruitment database, students can indicate their preferences, interests and motivation for their future career. With this information we target them directly when a new vacancy is offered at our job board. Through this method our success ratio improved significantly.
At first hand our society is very diverse, members study various subjects and come from all over the world.
Nonetheless, all of our members share one passion; Finance and investments! If you are looking for the best finance students form the Erasmus University with an extra edge, B&R Beurs is the place to be. Our members are better educated, are proven finance fanatics, have practical experience, and are highly motivated!