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Deadline Investment Group Preferences

With an investment group, you will compete in the Flow Traders Investment Competition against the other investment groups. Each group has an investment capital which consists of a one-time contribution between 200-400 euros of the members at the moment they join the group. You don't have to join an investment group to join B&R Beurs, but it will certainly give you more excitement and new friendships!

How does it work? During the introduction period in August and September you can speak to all our different investment groups at our drinks/events. The following month will also have three drinks so you can speak your favorite groups again. This is called the formation period. Many groups also host dinners/drinks on their own in this period where they can speak to interested new members aside of the general B&R drink. If you also like to join these evenings, ask the people of the investment group of your choice at the drinks or send them a dm/mail!

After the last formation drink, you can give up your preferences at our website. From the 19th of October onwards you can do this at about us -> give your group preferences. With the preferences, you can choose your top 3 investment groups you would like to join. The deadline for filling in the preferences, is on Friday the 20th of October at 12:00. The days following the investment groups have meetings and will decide who can join them. This will be done in three rounds:

1: The first preferences will be shared with the groups.

2: After the decisions about the first preferences, the second preferences (from the people who did not get in their first choice) will be shared with the groups if they have spots left. 

3: After the decisions about the second preferences, the third preferences (from the people who did not get in their first and second choice) will be shared with the groups if they have spots left. 


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