Hercules is a young and notorious investment group founded by three enthusiastic people during the first group formation drink of 2012. Hercules was a Roman god, known for being a hero due to his might, courage and cunningness. It is our vision that these character traits are necessary for a good investor. And good investors are part of Hercules.
Skill, strength, stamina, the elements that describe the profile of a true Herculian. Not afraid to share an opinion, criticize one another’s, or grill everything alltogether. Both in making investment decisions – fundamental as well as technical analysis – and outside the financial arena. To gain new insight into investing we expect everybody to participate in these discussions and ask every member to pitch an investment proposal once a month.
During our fortnightly gatherings we enjoy dinner and drinks in each other’s company. Aside from this we organise fun activities, such as a yearly Christmas dinner and our city trip. Since each of us is skilled in his or her own way, be it through interships, board positions or through, well, just being awesome, we are looking for the same in new members. However a Dutch group, our diversity stands out, both in character and investing experience.
Can you stand the heat? Join our kitchen.
Talk to one of us at the social drinks or send us an e-mail!
Instagram: @hercules.bnr
Board 2024/2025
Chairman: Tom Jansen
Treasurer: Sophie Vaessen
Board 2023/2024
Chairman: Jules Hauser
Treasurer: Sanne Jansen
Board 2022/2023
Chairman: Job van Drutten
Treasurer: Mark Molenaar
Board 2021/2022
Chairman: Jurriaan Stavenga
Treasurer: Mark Molenaar
Board 2020/2021
Chairman: Basia de Zeeuw
Treasurer: Tim van Munster
Board 2019/2020
Chairman: Willem van Leendert
Treasurer: Esmee Passtoors