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Market Overview Week 22 | Investment Competition | Week 29



Market overview:

In the final days of an otherwise positive May, stock markets exhibited mixed performance in the
middle of waning AI fervor and concerns over prolonged high interest rates from the Federal
Reserve. The Nasdaq Composite remained largely unchanged, standing at 16,735.02 at the
end of this week with the 0.31% decline, the S&P 500 experienced a slight increase of less than
0.2%, finishing at 5,277.51, while the Dow Jones Industrial Average declined by nearly 1% with

The top gainer position this week was occupied by Logistic Properties of the America (LPA) with
the result of 821.99%. The stock price finished the week with USD 130; a week before it was
worth USD 14, while on 31th of May USD 457.27. Because of that, LPA also holds the first place
of top daily losers with -49.78% change on 2nd of July. The top loser of the week is SolarMax
Technology Inc. (SMXT) with -38.94% and a stock price standing at USD 6.12.
The 10-year Treasury rate is at 4.51%, compared to the 3.61% last year. Concurrently,
European bonds experienced a decline, driving yields to multi-month highs following an
unexpected acceleration of inflation in Germany by 0.2% reaching 2.40%. This development
undermined expectations of a quicker pace of rate cuts. The 10-year German Government Bond
stays at 2.658% as of 2nd of June, while GER 20-year at 2.838. In the UK, the highest surge
was experienced by the UK 30-year bond, settling down at 4.776%.

On 23rd of May, SEC approved the first investment products linked to the ETH prices; after the
permission, the price spiked. However, the weekly change was -1.73%, leaving it at 3,477.49 as
of 2nd of June. Bitcoin lost 0.77% this week, equivalent to EUR 482.80, with the price of
62,477.20, which is a continuation of its downward trend.

In the sector of precious metals the weekly changes are red. The price of an ounce of gold is
equal to USD 2,345.80, after having a decrease of 0.87%. Even so, in May, its price increased
by 1.7%. The price per ounce of silver is USD 30.44, and has had a downward trajectory since
29th of May. The energy sector experienced a rise in the prices of natural gas and RBOB
gasoline. The price of natural gas is USD/MMBtu 2.59, with 0.58%, while the latter is worth
USD/gal. 241.74 and increased by the same percentage amount.


Flow Traders Investment Competition

Now that the end of the competition is getting closer, we see that the race for the first place is getting more and more tense with Floryn Traders following Heij Fidelity with only about 1% of M2 return less. Furthermore, Brût Investments has found their way up! After a great week they managed to rise 11 spots. However, for Zilvervloot Investeerders their chances of finishing high up the ranking seem to have been blown away. By losing 21(!) spots they fell off to the 41st place. 


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